Personal opinion

1.       What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

In my opinion is a subject complicated because indicate to two perspectives very different, in this case, a first aspect is relation with the alternative therapy and, while in a second aspect implicate the personal use. In this meaning, I think that is necessary use this plant for the purpose that are considered advisable. Because, according to the scientific studies the marijuana is to stimulate for the mind; in some cases, reduce your capacity, but this to change according to the people. In subject medicinal is a big advance in relation to one type of chronic illness.

2. What is your opinion about violence on television?

I disagree in respect to violence on television because stimulates a type of mentality wrong in the child’s, causing that they acquire a bad formation and that they naturalize some situations. Just like the videos in YouTube, create panorama outside of the reality, and deteriorate the learning and culture of the child’s, besides, in extreme cases, they can bring with them a series of consequences during his development.

3. What is your opinion about recycling?

Is a good way of protect the environment, because reduce enormously the tall of contamination and of course maintaining the nature and life of people in correct order besides,  is a way of teach to the population  to generate a type of conscience respect to environment. Furthermore is a big opportunity for separate your waste and reuse them, for example: containers, plastics, piece of paper and cardboard.

4. What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?

I agree with the “barras bravas” because are a way of express a feeling for a particular side. In some cases, this situation produces quarrel and differences, but equally is a space of confidence and interest in common.


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